The Ultimate Guide to Cannabinoids
Marijuana is most famous for its psychoactive, stoned effect, which is caused by its most renowned cannabinoid, THC. In recent times, CBD has also become the topic of conversation.
The Difference Between THC and CBD
Although cannabis contains up to 104 different cannabinoids, the two that receive the most attention are THC and CBD.
What Are Cannabis Terpenes And How Do They Work?
Cannabis terpenes are responsible for the taste and smell of weed that we all know and love.
Cannabis Consumptions Methods – Smoking vs. Edibles vs. Tinctures
For many cannabis users, the consumption method is just as important as the strength and quality of what they are consuming.
The History of Cannabis – From Prohibition to Legalization
From widespread use to complete prohibition cannabis has had a very special history as a medicinal and recreational substance.
Tourist’s Guide for Using Marijuana in Thailand
Cannabis plant parts have now been removed from the narcotics list, giving way to thousands of dispensaries to open their doors and start selling cannabis products to the public.
The Difference Between Indica, Sativa, & Hybrid
Wherever you go in the world of legal cannabis, dispensaries display an abundance of cannabis strains including indica, sativa, and hybrid varieties.
As we progress in the field of cannabis science, we are learning more and more about why cannabis is such an effective pain management tool.
Medicinal Marijuana – Its Uses and Effects
Since medical marijuana was legalized in California in 1996, different parts of the world have slowly changed their own laws to incorporate cannabis back into the world of medicine and recreation.
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